Effects of Mars Dasha and Mars are sitting in the 4th house of Gemini Ascendant?
As per the details you are born in Gemini ascendant, Mars sitting in fourth house Virgo. Mars is the Lord of 6 & 11 th House. The sixth house indicates…
As per the details you are born in Gemini ascendant, Mars sitting in fourth house Virgo. Mars is the Lord of 6 & 11 th House. The sixth house indicates…
You didn’t mention ascendant so i will give some details generally. If native is Male native will gets lot of benefit from his wife. She will be well educated, handsome…
As per your details, your ascendant is Leo, Saturn & Mercury are in 5 the house Sagittarius. Native’s activities are prolonged. Native has some health issues in his neuro system.…
As per your details Capricorn ascendant, Rahu Venus Mercury combination in 11 th house Scorpio. Scorpio is not right place for Mercury & Venus. But Scorpio gives some benefits for…